...wouldst thou fight a God? And knowing I, the very God thou hast been seeking for, thou wouldst greet me with malice in thine heart and thy blade in hand? Didst thou truly believe a mortal couldst strike me down?

The 1st Emperor of Alovetta, Louveinlas

In the olden times, The Holy Land of Elves, Alovetta, used to be led by an orphan, a descendant of Ein's Gods; he who was raised by the elfen tribe, a guy named Louveinlas. Lou, how he was addressed, gone mad after the wizards around the western side of Zerynthia was inhumanly purged, this included his wife as well. It was when he went mad and began an invasion to the neighboring kingdom. He was said to unite all the kingdoms in the west; ruling them under a magic based empire as a tribute to his late wife, all by himself after decades of fighting. After approximately living for nearly 200 years, the magic that was sealing the cursed land of Ein broke; and he was well aware of the occurence.

Thereupon, in order to protect the peace that had been preserved for a long time, Lou ameliorated the broken seal by sacrificing his body and left some of his consciousness; using his very own name as the spell, the only key to release the seal. The emperor altered people's memories of his name, turning it into Louvenlash with the hope to guard the seal for a long time to come, before finally expunging himself out of the world.

Thousands years later after the 1st emperor’s immolation, he was reincarnated to his original bloodline, the house of Louvenlash. Unfortunately, due to the tremendous power he originally possessed, the god was cleft in twain, split asunder into two bodies. The blonde one was named Fai, and the albino was named Astrazeth. Both were born with an Emperor Crest, a mark that is unknown to man but believed to be the sign that the late former emperor has been reborn into the one who possessed the crest. Whoever has the crest would be automatically ascend the throne once he reaches legal age or anytime soon after the current emperor is unable to fulfill his/her duty as a leader. This phenomenon only occurs once during a certain period. Having two emperor candidates would surely bring calamity to befall upon them sooner or later if they keep both of them to be alive.

In the beginning, the idea was to let them grow together and let them decide what's best for them but, in the end, the idea was rejected as it might led to civil war. After days of contemplation, in order to avoid the inevitable misfortune, the 12th Emperor of Alovetta, Alistair decided to return the weaker baby (Astra) back to Noieverre, or in other word, kill the baby. But, his mother was totally against it, and decided to take care of the silver haired all by herself, away from Zerynthia. This idea was opposed by the current acting royal advisor and general commander, General Al-Yohm; since she has to perform her duty to maintain the protection barrier as the high priestess of Alovetta. In the end, Astra was sent to a land far from home, with his mom going forth and back in secrecy, just to personally taking care of him. His destination was the metropolitan city of Tokyo, in Japan. Thus, marked the start of their journey.

To the body that becometh the sealant...
To the tears that quencheth the barren land...
I offer thee this silent sacrifice...

「 Liberté, la savoir, la sorcellerie!」

Take me out of this hell called loneliness....Mother

"What choice do I have, except to be the nemesis in the empire's arsenal?"

I was born to Alistair Louvenlash, the 12th great emperor and Lieselotte Septim, the high priestess of the Holy Alovetta Empire.It is I, the only heir of Louvenlash, the very man who would conquer Zerynthia and bring the true peace and prosperity to this land.

1520 AC, Zerynthian Calendar:There are couples of aristocratic families in the empire, one of them is the infamous Louvenlash family, whose name distinguished for being the most influential and superior at the art of magic with each member was raised to become a mage of the finest order.In their, the Louvenlash's eyes, the path of the magician is the most sacred and noble vocation there is. The 1st Emperor of Alovetta was the founder of this household and little Fai was born to this family. Fai was born with the infamous Emperor Crest on his palm, a proof that he was chosen by the Great Spirit to be the next emperor in the future. As the heir of the Louvenlash household, he received various kind of education and harsh training.During his childhood, little Fai was treated unequally. By the time Fai could cast a spell, rather than being trained like a mere young wizard, the society treated him more like a lethal weapon of the empire’s arsenal, since Fai has high affinity towards all forms of magic in a very early age, a phenomenon that never occurred in the history of Alovetta since the 1st emperor's passing.

Despite possessing an inhuman talent in magic and martial arts, Fai was not a perfect being. He was considerred intellectually average as in terms of general knowledge and war strategy. Disappointed by the result of his studies, the king prepared piles of book as the punishment.Having raised in a harsh environment by his father, little Fai only has his mother; whom he could only see twice a month, to cover his back. The blonde did his best living up to his father’s expectation. Regardless of the tyrannical event he experienced, Fai always remember the one thing his mother told him, ”to always smile, no matter how sad you are”.From that moment on, he was always seen smiling, in every possible occasion to hide his sorrow. Thus, earning him the nickname ”Smiling Emperor”. Years later, Fai gradually grew up to be a fine young prince under the care of his mentor, General Al-Yohm.

The 13th Emperor of Alovetta, Fai

「What awaits us just a somber morrow, no matter where the life stream may flow...」

What's left worth fighting for?
Does it worth dying for?
Humans are ignorant and pride animals.
They kill each other, all around for their own satisfaction.
Their folly is immeasurable.
...do you believe that a war could be started by a mere lie and a simple hope? Just for how much, do you value human's life?

The Holy Empire of Alovetta and Synestia Kingdom has been arch enemies for centuries despite the fact that they ever signed such things like peace treaty or armistice in the past for couple of times. Alovetta believed that magic is the strongest gift given by the Goddesss and wizards deserve a place within the society, while on the other hand, Synestia Kingdom and its alliance wanted to stop Alovetta Empire's mad invasion and create a world without discrimation; a common thing to a non-magic user in Alovetta. The 1st great war started by the time the 5th Emperor Ahtar began to invade neighboring countries to gain territorial expand on the east part of Zerynthia.

1532 AC, Zerynthian Calendar:It’s been centuries since the armistice of the long; dirty war, signed during the 2nd Great War. By the age of 10, Fai was secretely dispatched along with a small amount of elite troops by his mentor, General Al-Yohm. The mission was to assassinate a noble family of the Synestia Kingdom, House of Veradisia, which was said to have a huge resentment towards the magicians; a made up fact so that the young prince would accept the task given by him.Unwanting the history to repeat itself, little Fai eagerly accepted the quest with the hope to prevent another war from happening, and to prove that he’s a not a failure to his dad, the current emperor. Little that he knew, the family he massacred that night was the ruling family of Synestia Kingdom. And the act he committed, was the trigger of what the history recorded as the 3rd Great War.

It was only a matter of time until the opposing kingdom’s backlash. On the other hand, by the time the war broke a few weeks later, Fai was wondering why the deeds he had done couldn’t stop the war from happening. He was sure that the mission was perfectly executed. Leaving not a single soul to say a word. Then, was it his mentor’s fault? Or was it his? In the end, he continued his training and studies for the sake of the upcoming war.By the meantime, General Al-Yohm has always been wanting to be the emperor of Alovetta, just like his ancestor. And it was him who started the Divide et impera, by selling his own country’s top secret informations; including the assassination of the Veradisia Family, to Synestia Kingdom. All was done in order to dethrone the Louvenlash’ domination. To put it simply, a coup d'état.

1534-1536 AC, Zerynthian CalendarThe 3rd Great War started when the 12th Emperor, Alistair Louvenlash was occupying the throne. Unlike the previous emperor, this man was envied for his power, hated for his idealism. For someone like Al-Yohm, it was simply futile to dream of being an emperor as long as both Fai and Alistair still existed. That was why, he lured both Fai and Meliora to fall into his traps so that he could gain the authority to both countries.It was the year when the signs of Alovetta’s downfall began to emerge to the surface. The rumors of Fai assassinated the head family of Veradisia had spread throughout the empire. Many nobles within Alovetta blamed the Louvenlash for what happened, and not a few of them turned their back, and sided with Synestia in return of power once the war ended. Even though Fai did extraordinarily well for a young boy, who could cast tons of complex magics, it could only postponed their defeat.

Within months, the empire was in turmoil. In secrecy, the other aristocrats who loathed the 12th emperor formed a pact with Synestia Kingdom to crush Alovetta in order to dethrone Alistair from his reign. This finally led into a civil war. Synestia Kingdom then lured Alistair to sign the peace treaty but he was ambushed by hundreds of men on the way and was killed in action after fighting for his life for 3 days straight. Fai then was chosen as the next emperor as a substitute to his late father and became the 13th emperor.Unlike the 2 previous wars, the empire was easily crushed to pieces and suffered a huge lost due to the civil war and enemy's brilliant strategies. The war only lasts for a few years, not even reaching decades like the 2 previous war. The Louvenlash household lost lots of its members during the war. On the last year of the war, Fai lost his grandparents who were mercilessly killed by the enemy’s commander. At such an early age, he was forced to witness people getting slaughtered, losing the people he loved; an everlasting massacre. The empire was forced to sign post war agreements in order to keep them established.

"Nation is only a vessel to its people.
Millions of fleeting lives, does it worth the cost of a nearly ruined nation?

1536-1539 AC, Zerynthian CalendarBut Fai was a stubborn who put his ego, pride and idealism high, above anything else. The blonde prince refused the offer and guarded himself with hundreds of guards in the depth of his beloved palace, only to be pursued by Meliora who sought revenge for the death of her family. Fai was definitely second to none in terms of power in Zerynthia but, the fact told another story. Synestia Kingdom managed to developt a technology to nullify magic, which greatly altered the result of their battle.By the dusk came, the 13th emperor had already ran out of Caelux and was barely to cast any powerful spells. The moment was utilized really well by the queen to cut the emperor’s right arm. And much to his surprise, the action was followed by the treachery of Al-Yohm who stabbed him in the back as he whispered the bitter truth of his betrayal since the very beginning.

Losing his temper, the blonde magician went berserk and lost control of himself, only to cast an omnipotent random destructive spell. Before long, her sword penetrated deep into his heart to prevent him for causing more havoc. Thus, marked the end of Alovetta Empire, the death of the 13th emperor and the birth of Synestia Empire.In the following morning, Synestia Empire had declared the death of the 13th emperor, and cremated his corpse soon after. Leaving his core, Memento Mori Crysta, in the hand of the 1st Synestia Empress.

「Beethoven composed his early works in the shadow of Mozart, while I am overshadowed by them both. The renaissance of my symphonies is near」

The 13th Emperor of Alovetta twin brother, Astrazeth

"Music has become my salvation. Where words leave off, music begins. The most divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart."

He might have abandoned his origin as a royalty.He might have forsaken his homelandHe might have thrown his interest to the world he lives in away

But to forget about music is simply futile.

1520-1529 AC, Zerynthian Calendar:On the contrary to his older twin brother who lived his life as an emperor, little Astrazeth was raised as a normal human being in an apartment located in Japan. If Fai had both physical and magical prowess, Astrazeth possessed the intelligence that Fai was seeking for during his entire life. Astra, how he usually addressed, was born as a genius. He was a brilliant thinker who is quite talented at mostly everything that requires quick thinking. He lived with his mother who was only around during weekend, and their butler, Won Qu.

Being the smartest kid around, made Astra somehow lost interest in living his zestful youth to the fullest, as everything seemed to be easy for him. In general, Astra took most day-to-day affairs with open disinterest, and droopy mien; often not even noticing the affection of others. Most of the time, he spent his day reading books, or even gamble against older people in order to gain more pocket money, and bought the stuffs needed to kill his boredom as he sought for an actual challenge.

Similar to Fai, Astra barely knew how does it feel to have a complete family, to be showered with love and etc. Most of the time, his mother was not around; saying that she worked abroad as an excuse for her absence while the truth that she had to go forth and back in order to maintain her duty as the priestess in Alovetta and took care of both Fai and Astra.

1532-1538 AC, Zerynthian Calendar:By the time the 3rd Great War broke, his mother never went back; not even once. Leaving him to be caught in a snare called loneliness and curiosity of his mother sudden disappearance. On the other hand, it was his butler’s turn to come forth and back in order to aid the empress during the fierce battle. It was during this time that Astra took an interest in music.He started by playing the piano, retracing the sound of each note and began to compose his own symphonies. A year later, he participated in music competition for the junior category. From that moment on, the lad was indulged himself in music; the only salvation to his daily boring and lonely life.During his high-school life, Astra was known as a music prodigy; a virtuoso who only born once every 10 years. He outmatched the kids of his age, and often seen having debates with the music teacher. Staying until late at school only to practice in the music club room. He finally graduated with flying grades. After years, he thought that the life he had was enough and wished it would never change.

Not until that day...which came out of nowhere,telling the bitter truth,and altered his entire life.

A letter came to unveil the lies...

1538-1539 AC, Zerynthian Calendar:
One day, an envelope came by to his residence, along with a letter and a diary of his mother. The very letter that would ruin his mood for the entire year and ruined his peaceful daily life. In that letter, it was a formal request from his butler to aid his country through his wisdom and in the diary, it was explained the true origin of his bloodlines, the truth behind his mother’s job and the fact that his homeland was in the state of war and turmoil. Astra who felt betrayed from the very beginning, abandoned the fact that his birthplace was on the verge of its downfall.
“….none of my business.” Or so he said during that time.

But then, a few months later, a portal was emerged out of nowhere inside his apartment. A few seconds later, his butler Won Qu; who was in the state of dying due to the massive blood loss, brought his mother who was unconscious. Despite of the pent up anger caused by the made up lies over these years, the silver haired lad shortly brought the two of them to the hospital; knowing that they were the only family that he had left. How unfortunate, Won Qu was died on the way, while his mother was in the state of coma.
This turn of event made Astra made up his resolve to take care of her mother by enrolling to the medical school where his mother is being treated, while he was finding a way to Zerynthia; to discover the truth behind all of these lies he had encountered throughout his life.

In the end,
the stream of fate will be inevitable,
and it is just a matter of time until his arrival to Alovetta.
Nothing shall forestall his return
to reclaim what actually belongs to him.